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Sunday, April 24, 2011

A New Novel, Part 202 Do You Need Anything?

A New Novel, Part 202 Do You Need Anything?

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

The after supper conversation showed much concerning the relationship of the priests and Matushka of the Ecclesia.  Aksinya has her own questions to ask…

Aksinya glanced back at the bowl she held.  She placed it carefully on the counter then she stepped over to the table.
She stood silently until Father Makar turned her a stern look, and asked, “Do you need anything?”
“Please, Father Makar, have you heard anything about Lady Natalya.”
He looked her up and down, “No, nothing yet.”  While Aksinya’s face was still downturned, he signaled with his eyes to Ekaterina.
Ekaterina came to Aksinya’s side, “The dishes are almost finished, Countess.  We will leave the rest to Father Makar and Father Dobrushin.  I’ll help you prepare for bed.”
Aksinya clenched her hands together, “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
Father Makar pushed his chair back a little to get out of Aksinya’s reach, “There is nothing to tell.  No one knows what happened to her.  I…I’ll check again tomorrow.  You needn’t be concerned.”
“But I am concerned.”  Aksinya wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, “I need her.”
Ekaterina clucked, “That’s all right.  You have us, and you have God.  We will help you, and we will try everything to find the Lady Natalya.”  She took Aksinya by the arm and led her toward the back of the rectory.

Aksinya absorbed the information she could from Ekaterina and what Ekaterina spoke about the priests, but she has her own question.  It is the question I will not let you forget and the question Aksinya can’t forget. 

Aksinya has changed.  She is adapting to her new role.  She does not want to irritate the priests and she understands that Father Makar is no happy with her.  I show you her approach to the priest.  She simply stands until he addresses her.  This is the way servants act before their masters.  Aksinya understands her position well.

Aksinya wants to know about Natalya.  Father Makar obviously knows more than he is telling.  Watch him.  I don’t tell you anything.  While Aksinya isn’t watching, Father Makar gives a signal to Ekaterina.  She moves to take Aksinya out of the kitchen. 

Aksinya knows Father Makar is hiding something from her.  Father Makar is afraid of Aksinya—see how he moves away from her.  We can taste the equivocation in Father Makar’s response to her. 

Aksinya still doesn’t fully understand her own thoughts or self.  She is crying, but I don’t tell you.  You understand this by her actions.  Ekaterina reassures Aksinya and removes her form the kitchen.  We can guess that Father Makar wishes to speak to Father Dobrushin privately about Natalya and Aksinya.   Tomorrow, woman talk.

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