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Friday, July 15, 2011

A New Novel, Part 284 I Have the Surety the Demon Gave You

15 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 284 I Have the Surety the Demon Gave You

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin took Aksinya to dinner.  He told her he is willing to marry her to help her be rid of the demon.  Aksinya is speaking...

“If I marry you, I just want one thing.”
“What is that?” 
“You know how I desire.  You must swear to give me all the physical attention I want.”
He shook his head, “Is that all you really wish from me?”
“I always wanted to be held by my mother, she did not hold her children.  My adopted father was affectionate but my mother disapproved.  I have never had enough attention from anyone.”
“That’s all you want—attention.  Doesn’t love concern you at all?”
Aksinya lowered her eyes, “I know you have agape love for me or you wouldn’t have spent so much effort to help me. Ekaterina told me that the love of friends can grow by getting to know and spending time with each other.  I’m not certain we are friends yet either, but I would like to be your friend.”
“We are already friends.”
“Do you realize what could happen to you if what you propose doesn’t work?”
“I do realize the danger.”
She gave him a sly look, “How will you chase off the demon?  Do you have the special parts of a fish?”
“I have this,” Father Dobrushin stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a heart shaped necklace.  “Is this the surety the demon gave you?”
Aksinya’s mouth fell open.  She squeaked, “That is it.  Where did you find it?”
“It was inside your jewelry box just as you described it.”
“You bought it back?”
“I did indeed.  All the merchants to whom your goods were sold were listed in the court documents.  When I paid off the claims against you, I found the jeweler who bought your jewelry.  If you notice…” Father Dobrushin scooted his chair closer to her and Aksinya leaned her head toward his, “If you notice, there is the design of a fish on the pendant.”

My daughter tells me I shouldn't write so much about aggressive women characters.  I tell her I am writing about the unique and there really are people with personalities like Aksinya's.  Aksinya is a young woman who is driven by desire.  This isn't so unusual.  What is unusual is for a person to be so forthright in their desires--especially in this culture and time.

The reason Father Dobrushin knows about Aksinya's desires is because he was her confessor.  He is surprised that this is all she asks of him.  Aksinya then explains more about her life and what she wants.  We could have guessed this from her past. 

Father Dobrushin asks a question that is very important to him.  He obviously wishes Aksinya to love him.  He is more concerned with love than she is.  Her explanation is simple and very specific.  She is willing to get to know him.  Listen to his immediate response: “We are already friends.”  Aksinya is willing to be his wife and lover with the hope they will be friends.  Father Dobrushin wants her to love him.  He doesn't tell her, but isn't it obvious that he loves her.

The part about loving her is wrapped in the next few statements.  Aksinya asks: “Do you realize what could happen to you if what you propose doesn’t work?”  The answer is that the demon could kill him.  This was the danger for Ernst that Asmodeus explicitly told Aksinya at the climax of the novel.  The man who weds and tries to bed Aksinya will die.  The only reason Tobias was not murdered by Asmodeus was he had the help of an Angel who gave him part of a fish to burn in the marriage chamber.

Father Dobrushin has the surety the demon gave Aksinya.  It has on it (from the beginning of the novel) a fish.  Then we see another proof that Father Dobrushin loves her.  We know he paid off the merchants for her.  In addition, be bought back her surety.  We get the details about how he could find the necklace and the merchants.  Tomorrow, there is more to this very important conversation.

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