My Favorites

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Marketing Materials - A Marketing Website, Basic Information

25 September 2011, Marketing Materials - A Marketing Website, Basic Information

Introduction: I realized that I need to introduce this blog a little.  I wrote the novel Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon.  The working title was Daemon, and this was my 21st novel.  Over the last year, I gave you the entire novel in installments that included commentary on the writing.  In the commentary, in addition to other general information on writing, I explained, how the novel was constructed, the metaphors and symbols in it, the writing techniques and tricks I used, and the way I built the scenes.  You can look back through this blog and read the entire novel.

I'm using this novel as an example of how I produce, market, and eventually (we hope) get a novel published.  I'll keep you informed along the way.  At this moment, I'm showing you the marketing material I put together for a novel.

Today's Blog:  I've been dwelling on the information that you add to the website following publication, but I don't want you to lose sight of the basic information that should be on any novel marketing website.  I already told you the basic novel information you should include on the site, but I don't want you to forget that the basic information we already developed for marketing is a critical piece of that information.  For example, the synopsis and the author bio are both pieces that should be on the novel website.  You might also want to use the teasers you wrote to introduce the novel.  Look at my websites to get an idea of what I mean and make yours better.  You can see examples at, and the individual novel websites:,,,,, and

If you are a well known author, your bio should be first.  If you are a lesser known author, your bio should be last.

I'll write about other connections tomorrow.

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