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Friday, August 26, 2011

Getting the File Together for Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon

26 August 2011, Getting the File Together for Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon

Yesterday, I showed you how I set a title.  I'm not totally happy with this one, but for now, it works.  The next step is to get the files together.  If you write into a single file, this isn't a necessary step, but If you are like me and save each chapter separately, this is a required step. 

First, let's assume you've edited the first copy about five times.  That's the minimum number that I do before I'm ready to move out with a manuscript.  All of the steps I'm mentioning are accomplished at the same time. 

So, after the first cut of the novel, and a few editing run throughs, I'm ready to prepare the complete book file and a pdf.  I write in chapters and save the chapters individually.  For example, Aksinya (Daemon) has 22 chapters.  Each one is an individual file.  I use the outline view in Word to bring the chapter files into a single document.  I get the word count and format this document for presentation to publishers.  Then I cut the files loose from the individual files and produce a file that includes all of the novel.  This is the file I send to a publisher who wants the entire manuscript. 

I turn the file that includes the whole novel into a pdf, and I make the first chapter into a pfd.  So, when I was done with Aksinya (Daemon), I had 22 chapter files, a Word outline file that linked the 22 chapter files, a normal Word file of the complete novel, a pdf of the complete novel, and a pdf of the first chapter.

Each of these files has a purpose.  I'll write about that tomorrow. 

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